Saturday 7.12. at 20h



‘Was dich bewegt, bewegt mich’ – Das Stück lädt das Publikum ein, die eigenen Worte einer anderen Person zu überlassen, sich selbst aus dem Mund eines anderen zu hören, sich in der Bewegung eines anderen zu entdecken. Dabei werden Fragen erforscht wie: Was ist Transformation? Was ist Abstand? Was ist Neutralität? Was ist Eigentümerschaft? Was fügen wir hinzu, wenn wir nichts hinzufügen?

‘What moves you moves me’ – This performance invites you to give your own words to someone else, to listen to yourself through someone else, to discover yourself in the movement of someone else. The performance explores: What is transformation? What is distance? What is neutrality? What is ownership? What do we add when we add nothing?

JULIA STÖBER – Dance/ Tanz, Voice/Stimme, Interpreting/Verdolmetschung



Poetry, mostly in German.

LEA ZSIVKOVITS – Poetry & Performance

Doors open at 19:30

After: drinks, talks, dance, stay

Contribution for artists:

15€-5€ sliding scale

Cash only

Limited seating: please register at K77performanceseries@proton.me 


3. September – 19. November 2024

dienstags | 18–20 Uhr
*für fortgeschrittene CI Tänzer*innen

Diese Zeit ist für Menschen, die sich wünschen, intensiv über einen längeren Zeitraum in einer Gruppe Contact Improvisation zu lernen und durch das gewachsene Vertrauen Qualität und Tiefe in der tänzerischen Entwicklung, sowie in der Begegnung im Tanz zu erfahren. Ich möchte eine Gruppe versammeln, die sich auf Kontinuität einlässt, um gemeinsam zu trainieren, zu forschen und voneinander zu lernen. Dieser Kurs ist für diejenigen, die Contact Improvisation lieben, schon mehrjährige Vorerfahrung mitbringen und weitergehen möchten.

Kosten (12 Abende)

200 € / 175 € (mit Kontoeingang bis 6.8.)

*Ratenzahlung monatlich möglich


Deutsch / Englisch

Elske Seidel (Berlin)
ist eine global vernetzte und international engagierte Contact Lehrerin, Tänzerin und Bewegungsforscherin. Sie unterrichtet mehr als drei Jahrzehnten kontinuierlich und von ganzem Herzen Tanz und Improvisation, Contact seit 2004.
Ihre Hauptforschungsfrage ‚Das Wesen von Tanz und seine Vermittlung‘ motiviert seit Beginn ihres Studiums 1993 bis zum heutigen Tag den Kern ihrer Arbeit.

Elske hat eine unerschöpfliche Faszination Contact Improvisation in ihren Feinheiten und ihrer Tiefe zu erforschen und öffnet dafür den Raum und das Bewusstsein in ihrem Unterricht. Ihr Tanz und ihre Forschung sind getragen von ihrer Arbeit in der Natur, als Quelle für Wissen und Inspiration.

Einige ihrer Projekte sind: Contact Jahresgruppe Berlin, Contactjahr Hamburg, CI Basis Fortbildung Hamburg, Nature as Teacher Workshops.

photo@ Patrick Beelaert


Contact Training Advanced with Elske Seidel
3 September – 19 November 2024

Tuesdays | 6–8 pm

I wish to create an ongoing CI group for people who want to practice continuously.
Committing to a group allows us to trust and learn from each other. Together we can grow and find deeper understanding and development in our dancing. Our minds can relax. Possibilities are opening … and fun comes naturally. This class is for people who fell in love with Contact Improvisation, have already a strong background in CI and want to go further.

Costs (12 sessions)

200 € / 175 € (with bank transfer until 6 August)
*monthly installments possible



Taught in
German & English

Elske Seidel
based in Berlin, is a passionate CI dancer & teacher, deeply committed to CI and its community internationally. She has been teaching dance and improvisation full time and wholeheartedly for more than three decades, CI since 2004.

Her boundless fascination and joy exploring and researching Contact Improvisation in all its depth and subtleties, inspires her workshops, privates, ongoing classes, and each of the projects she creates.
Her work recognizes nature, improvisation and teaching itself as core sources for knowledge and understanding.
Meeting the moment, she offers organic support for the individual and the instant community as it emerges, allowing each to feel, find and follow what they need to learn and dance.
Some of her current projects are: Contact Jahresgruppe Berlin, Contact Year Hamburg, CI Basic Training Hamburg, Nature as Teacher Workshops

photo@ Patrick Beelaert


Ein Hauch um Nichts (Rilke) / a p p o i n t m e n t s  / MY HEART IS A BEATBOX
Meltem Nil & Tarufu / Mariangela Tinelli & Ingólfur Viljhálmsson / Jonas Marx
Samstag 3. August 2024 / Saturday 3rd august 2024
Ein Hauch um Nichts (Rilke) / a p p o i n t m e n t s  / MY HEART IS A BEATBOX
Ein Abend mit Musik, Tanz und Performance, mit drei verschiedenen experimentellen Stücken. 
A Music, Dance and Performance Night, with three different experimental pieces.
Ein Hauch um Nichts (Rilke)
Was als Dialog beginnt, entwickelt sich zu einer Landschaft und zu Gefühlsempfindungen, zu Geschichten, die auftauchen und sich wieder auflösen. Am Ende wird es zu einer Beziehung – mit Raum, Klang und Stille.
Tarufu – akustische Gitarre, Stimme / Meltem Nil – Performance
What starts as a dialogue evolves as a landscape and notions of emotions, in stories appearing and dissolving. In the end it becomes a relationship – with space, sound and silence.
Tarufu – acoustic guitar, voice / Meltem Nil – performance
a p p o i n t m e n t s
Der Musiker Ingólfur Vilhjálmsson spielt Bass Klarinette und Mariangela Tinelli performt – Tanz & Spoken Word. Gemeinsam werden sie den Impuls ehren und Verabredungen mit Folgen ausarbeiten.
Konzept & Performance: Ingólfur Vilhjálmsson & Mariangela Tinelli
The musician Ingólfur Vilhjálmsson plays bass clarinet and Mariangela Tinelli performs – dance & spoken word. Together they will honor the impulse and elaborate appointments with consequences.
Conzept & Performance – Ingólfur Vilhjálmsson & Mariangela Tinelli
Jonas Marx liest aus aktuellem Material für ein Langgedicht:
Die Worte folgen der Spur verkörperter Imagination. Sie wandern durch die inneren, sich öffnenden Räume. Darin finden sie ihren eigenen Takt. Der wirkt wie ein Katapult – er sendet die Worte hinaus in die Welt.
Die Worte folgen der Spur verkörperter Imagination. Sie wandern durch die inneren, sich öffnenden Räume. Darin finden sie ihren eigenen Takt. Der wirkt wie ein Katapult – er sendet die Worte hinaus in die Welt.
Dichtung & Performance – Jonas Marx
Jonas Marx reads from current material for a long poem in German language.
Poetry & Performance – Jonas Marx
3. August 2024 – 20:30 Uhr
5-15 € auf Spendenbasis, nur Barzahlung
Begrenzte Platzzahl, bitte anmelden unter: k77performanceseries@proton.me
3rd august 2024 – 8:30 pm
5-15 € donation based, cash only
Limited Seating, please register at: k77performanceseries@proton.me


June 1st
K77 Performance Series #12
– an evening in two parts –
A pattern of poetry -crown of sonnets- applied to dance with five female dancers.
Mariangela Tinelli: concept & dance, 
Manuela Lucia Tessi, Roberta Ricci, Antje Penz & Ioana Ferariu: dance 
A Duo Improvisation by Odile Seitz-Walser & Jonas Marx

Into a field of sunlight
open to be unknown of.
Lips and eyes and senses
show us of waterfalls –
here is my lap, let your head fall.
I receive, breathing an instant
insight into
the journey we came,
the journey we go.
welcome you for a refreshing drink and lovely spring/summer vibes on
the K77 rooftop from 19:30pm; performance start time is 20:30.
An open invitation to linger a bit longer in the studio and join for drinks, conversation, and impromptu dance.
Contribution for the artists: 
15€ – 5€ sliding scale
cash only
Please register at K77performanceSeries@proton.me – it helps us know how to set up the evening smoothly. And if you have any questions, feel free to contact us there as well.
Spread the word 🙏 and hope to have you with us to celebrate A FULL YEAR of K77 Performance Series!!

Workshop/Events Archiv 2024

Sensing body and immaterial-material body: quality of movement, direction and high lifting


Saturday 10th February

16.15 to 21.15

Ealry bird 40-50 euro before 25th January

Focusing this time on the quality of movement, fascia, and the direction of our way to create a lifting with our partner. We will explore also the trio constellation. The workshop invites you to immerse yourself in understanding the language of Contact Improvisation and the transformative nature of the body, through the learning process of connecting with your sensing. By incorporating attention and the sensory body as waves we will encounter each other, and notice the creation of our decision in direction as well the spectrum of possibility of our qualities of interaction. Sensing Waves is a practice generated by listening to the internal waves of the sensing body and stems from Barbara Berti’s interspecies research, working, practicing and dancing with nonhuman encounters (dogs and plants).

Info and registration: bb.danceoffice@gmail.com

Ealry bird 40-50 euro

After 25th Jan 65-80 euro sliding scale

Hatha-Ashtanga Yoga

Date: December 3 and December 17

Time: 10:00-12:00

Name: Hatha-Ashtanga Yoga – an extended  well-rounded practice true to the source

This class will includes multiple limbs from Patanjali’s eight-limbed yoga system (Ashtanga Yoga): Yama (Yoga Ethical Living), Niyama (Yoga Observances), Asana (Yoga Postures), Pranayama (Yoga Breathing), Dharana (One-Pointed meditation), Dhyana (Mindfulness Meditation), and maybe even a spontaneous Samadhi (Highest State of Yoga).

It is suitable for anyone who is interested in exploring yoga beyond the conventional posture and movement (Asana) and is curious to discover the full potential of yoga as a life transforming path using breath, awareness, attitude and intention to cultivate peace, wellbeing and ultimately a significant reduction of unnecessary suffering.
The class will not be more physically demanding than any other yoga class, however it will include forms of yoga practice that are not generally done in conventional and shorter settings. There is no need to be able to perform complicated postures, no need to be flexible or strong. All that is required is the willingness to practice yoga for 2 hours with an open mind and heart.
Open to ALL LEVELS and in English!

Teacher: Oren has been a dedicated yoga practitioner for almost 2 decades, he is an experienced yoga teacher who was certified to teach by world renowned teachers such as Richard Freeman and AG Mohan and have studied with many others. His style of teaching is gentle, kind and caring. His approach is non-dogmatic, open-minded and adaptive to the individual, encouraging inquiry, investigation and compassion.
Sign Up: https://www.yogainperson.com/schedule
Oren Zaslavsky ~ Yoga Teacher

yoga IN person ~ Berlin
+49 176 34428825

Workshop/Events Archiv 2023


through the realm of instant composition


With & by:
Rossella Canciello
Paolo Cingolani
Ivaylo Dimitrov
Susanna Grob
Annukka Hirvonen
Anni Lattunen
Jonas Marx


Enter the hypnotic world of ‚Fil Rouge‘, where choreography, poems and
stories come together in a continuous flow. As the dancers create the
canvas of different scenes with their bodies and voices, you will be
transported on a journey of pure spontaneity and artistic synergy. „Fil
Rouge“ is a tapestry of connections, where each thread weaves a unique
story and each movement is a reflection of the performers‘ innermost
imagination. Don’t miss this captivating experience that promises to
leave you spellbound as we celebrate the beauty of the unknown and the
magic of the present moment.

October 14th, 20h
k77 Studio

fee: 5-10 €

Reservations: k77performanceseries@proton.me

K77 Member’s Weeks 2023

2 Weeks of Programme for and by you
| (Special Program listed with ***)
All listed classes and sessions *FREE* for current K77 Members
Everyone welcome to all programming, non-members pay as normal


Mo 11.
17.30-19.00   ***Movement Research (Hilla Steinert)


Tanzen ist Träumen mit dem Körper | Dancing is dreaming with your body
In dieser Stunde erforschen und konkretisieren wir unser immenses Bewegungspotential und seine Weiterführung in Improvisation und Komposition. Dabei beziehen wir Wechselwirkungen auf emotionaler und geistiger Ebene mit ein. | In this class we explore and concretize our immense movement potential and its continuation in improvisation and composition. In doing so, we include interactions on an emotional and mental level.


19.15-20.15   Bharatanatyam | Indischer Klassischer Tanz | Indian Classical Dance (Anuya Rane)

20.30-21.30   Haitianischer Tanz

Di 12. 
09.00-11.30  Early Bird CI Jam


Mi 13.
09.30-11.00  Tai Chi (Wolf Scheidt)
11.15-13.00   ***Introduction to Alexander Technik (Mariangela Tinelli)

Alexander Technique group class for all levels. How to notice, embrace, influence movement and thinking patterns. „A little research a day keeps the doctor away“. Mariangela Tinelli, certified Alexander Technique Teacher and Member of Alexander Technik Verband Deutschland. The class is in english or german, depending on the participants.

13.15-15.15   Instrumental Class (Riko Inoue)
open to watch (japanese)
15.15-16.45   Trembling Practices (Valentina Menz)

Trembling practices explore from pleasure and enjoyment the relationship with the force of gravity and the various qualities of movement that can emerge.
Is a way to sweat and reconnect with the rhythmic mobility of the spine and the different colors of our muscular tonus. In the search to connect with your own presence which at the same time is the connection with the environment.

18.30-20.00   Deutsch durch Theater (Nina Selchow)
20.15-23:15   Contact Improv Warm-Up and Jam


Do 14.  
13.00-15.30  ***Intro to Logomotion (Jeremiah Day & Emily Smith)

come and try out this unique way of improvising with moving and speaking – good for    writers, public speaking, performance or as ways to bring research into dance

18.00-19.45  Singkreis (Sascha Jentsch)


Fr 15.
16.30-17.30  Kindertanz (Jennifer Bopp)
18.00-19.30  Tai Chi (Wolf Scheidt)
19.45-22.00  ***Creative Movement & Improvisation (Camilla Barbera and Jean-Charles Vallet)


Sa 16.
18:00-24:00  Special Extended Contact Improv Jam (hosted by Jeremiah Day)
with scores from Anna Halprin, Simone Forti and Steve Paxton
free for members, 7-12 Euro for non-members


So 17.
11:00-14:00   ***Acting workshop for actors & non-actors (Sondos Shabayek)

Explore tools to analyze scenes and characters and deliver authentic performances in theater and film using techniques derived from Method acting, the Meisner technique, and Robert Cohen’s GOTE ‘Goal, Obstacle, Tactics and Expectation’ from his book Acting One

18.00-21.30  ***Connective Movement Class (Elke Kalupar)

AKZEPTANZ movement is a place for connection. Improve your physical and mental state using movement and touch as main elements to explore your emotional landscape.Our vision is that everyone can feel present and free in their body – being able to move through life with ease.  Reconnect to the capability of your body. In your own unique expression. We provide the space & movement tools for you.

Mo 18.
13.00-15.00  ***Musicality in Movement – learn to dance on all kinds of music (Lore Dekeyser)

You have always wondered how to dance at a party? How do people put music into
movement and shake their hips? You’re dying to get to know your groovy side but you
have no idea where to start? Then this mini-workshop is perfect for you! Choreographer
and dancer Lore Dekeyser will guide you through different musical layers until you get
those inner rhythms expressed. Be prepared to free your inner dancing soul!

17.30-19.00  ***Movement Research (Hilla Steinert)
Tanzen ist Träumen mit dem Körper | Dancing is dreaming with your body

In dieser Stunde erforschen und konkretisieren wir unser immenses Bewegungspotential und seine Weiterführung in Improvisation und Komposition. Dabei beziehen wir Wechselwirkungen auf emotionaler und geistiger Ebene mit ein. | In this class we explore and concretize our immense movement potential and its continuation in improvisation and composition. In doing so, we include interactions on an emotional and mental level.

19.15-20.15   Bharatanatyam | Indischer Klassischer Tanz | Indian Classical Dance (Anuya Rane)
20.30-21.30   Haitianischer Tanz

Di  19.
09.00-11.30  Early Bird Jam – Focussed Contact Improvisation Jam
20.15-22.00 *** Introduction to Contact Improvisation with Maria Elste
a great way to step in and try out this special form of dance/sport/art/community


Mi 20.
09.30-11.00  Tai Chi (Wolf Scheidt)
11.15-13.00   ***Introduction to Alexander Technik (Mariangela Tinelli)

Alexander Technique group class for all levels. How to notice, embrace, influence movement and thinking patterns. „A little research a day keeps the doctor away“. Mariangela Tinelli, certified Alexander Technique Teacher and Member of Alexander Technik Verband Deutschland. The class is in english or german, depending on the participants.

13.15-15.15   Instrumental Class (Riko Inoue)
open to watch (japanese)
15.15-16.45   Trembling Practices (Valentina Menz)

Trembling practices explore from pleasure and enjoyment the relationship with the force of gravity and the various qualities of movement that can emerge.
Is a way to sweat and reconnect with the rhythmic mobility of the spine and the different colors of our muscular tonus. In the search to connect with your own presence which at the same time is the connection with the environment.

18.30-20.00   Deutsch durch Theater (Nina Selchow)
20.15-23:15   Contact Improv Warm-Up and Jam


Do  21.    
13.00-15:30  ***All Member’s Improvisation – Preparation

On the 23rd all members are invited to participate in a group improvisation before the party.  On Thursday Jeremiah Day and Hilla Steinert offer a preparation session for all members.

16.00-17.30  *** Welcome to the Thursday Score Jam@K77! (Inga Beek)

     How do we explore the different ways of connection? What if contrast is a way of connecting and what can we learn about ourselves when we deepen our awareness on the variety of connections? There will be a guided intro into the jam, finding different pathways into your somatic research.

18.00-19.45  Singkreis (Sascha Jentsch)


Fr  22.
16.30-17.30 Kindertanz (Jennifer Bopp)
18.00-19.30 Tai Chi (Wolf Scheidt)


Sa  23.        ***CULMINATION EVENING***
17.45–19:00 All Member’s Improvisation
this one-time improvisation will aim to bring all members  up, moving and composing in

19:00-22:00Creative Cave“ Party
22:00-  …      After-Party-Party