Nonviolent Communication

Event description:

What’s going on with human connection?


Did it ever happen to you that you tell your partner you want to see them this evening and you end up very angry with each other? Or that you call your mum for that amazing recipe and you have to hang up because you are almost shouting at each other? Or that you just wanted to pick up an outfit and you end up hating yourself and your body?


I don’t know you, but I feel so lost.

Nonviolent communication is a tool to tackle this. A very simple, practical, dynamic, and effective one.


This 2-hour workshop will be very hands-on in your life and with a lot of exercises. It won’t look much like a lecture.






Hi, I’m Martina. I came in contact with Nonviolent Communication (NVC) through a relationship where I started to grasp the beauty of this tool. After 3 years of self-study and occasional practice, I was touched by how this communication allowed me to connect with my mum in conflict, so strongly that I felt love for her for the first time in 20 years.

Unsatisfied with the lack of mental health support in the neuroscience research field, I decided to switch careers and dive deep into NVC. I trained as a mediator, counsellor and trainer at the Connecting2life school (Yoram Mosenzon). It was a two-year-long process of embodying the tool and then learning how to transmit it so that it could sink in the body. For a year I’ve been holding my workshops, courses and 1:1 practice.

My approach is based on practice and embodiment. I found NVC very revolutionary and with that respect, I like to let sink in our system a few bits of info at the time, rather than an overwhelming waterfall of theory.



Sunday 24th March

Open doors: 14

Starting time: 14:30

Closing time: 16:30



K77 studio, Kastanienallee 77,  2.HH., 3.OG., 10435 Berlin



Minimum contribution: 10 euros per person 

With the aim of at least covering the price of renting the space, and possibly contributing to my life sustainability.



There are only 10 spots, I strongly recommend to book by:

Sending a non refundable booking fee of 3 euros to (PayPal) and 

-a message here on my Facebook

-a message to my email

-a message to WhatsApp or telegram at +393464998527