Participating Bodies is a space where we can gather together, meet each other through dancing, and critically rethink our possibilities as bodies through movement. The space is intended for everyone interested in practicing and thinking about contact improvisation. The evening starts with guided CI practice and ends with a jam accompanied by live music.
16:00 – 17:45
In this class, we work through the skin, encountering other skins and permeating our environment as skin. We engage in dances with different qualities of touch and temporal dynamics, forming various constellations, both as individuals and as part of a larger ensemble. We utilize the tools of contact improvisation, ranging from technical exercises to feeling/felt sensations of bodies moved by gravity and touch.
Contact improvisation class will be facilitated by Maria and Valentina
18:00 – 19:00
The intention of this conversational space is to open up dreaming and discussion around the potential of Contact Improvisation to build and challenge the community. Can we build a community around practice and how to stay attended to who is in the community and who’s not? We want to recognize the values of the practice, what we are practicing, and where it comes from. Together, we want to participate in creating space for “caring and daring”.
19:00-21:00 JAM + live Music
The evening is for everyone, from total newcomers to long-time practitioners. The studio is on the 3rd floor, and there’s no elevator. The toilets are on the second floor. If anyone needs assistance coming into the studio, contact us beforehand.
The evening is for everyone, from total newcomers to long-time practitioners. The studio is on the 3rd floor, and there’s no elevator. The toilets are on the second floor. If anyone needs assistance coming into the studio, contact us beforehand.
K77 studio
Kastanienallee 77
Prenzlauer Berg
Price: 25-35 €
(if you have problems of paying, please contact us)
Kastanienallee 77
Prenzlauer Berg
Price: 25-35 €
(if you have problems of paying, please contact us)
info and registration: