Contact Training Advanced

d e u t s c h  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
1   WAS –– Contactimprovisation Sommerserie
2   WER –– Gesine Daniels
3   WANN –– Dienstags 18-20h; vom 2.Juli 2023 bis zum 27.August 2024 
4   FÜR WEN –– Mittelstufe/Fortgeschritten
5   INHALT – Wir werden uns sowohl mit den technischen Aspekten und Prinzipien der CI befassen, als auch mit der Improvisation in der CI.
Themen sind 
Verbindung und Durchlässigkeit; 
Kommunikation, Inspiration und Unterstützung durch verschiedene Körpersysteme und -strukturen; 
Orientierung und Kommunikation durch Berührung, 
die Balance zwischen Autonomie und der Verbundenheit mit den Tanzpartner*innen im Tanz;
Gewicht in Bewegung empfangen und unterstützen;
Lehnen, Transportieren, Kollidieren; 
Kopfüber sein, Off-Balance sein und der Raum hinter dir im Tanz erfahren und Nichtwissen zulassen.
6   BIOGRAFIE –– siehe englische Version
7   LINK ––
8   KONTAKT ––
E n g l i s h  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 
1 WHAT –– Contactimprovisation Sommerserie
2 WHO ––Gesine Daniels
3 WHEN –– Tuesdays 6-8pm; from July 2nd, 2023 til August 27th, 2024
4 FOR WHOM –– Intermediate/Advanced 
5 CONTENT –– We’ll focus on the technical aspects and principles of CI as well as on the Improvisation in CI.
Connectedness and  Permeability; 
Communication, inspiration and support through different body systems; 
Orientation and communication through touch; 
Exploring the balance between autonomy and relating to each other in your dance;
Taking weight in movement, support and transport it; 
Leaning, supporting, transporting, colliding; 
Being off-balance, upside-down, moving from and into your back-space and disorientation.
To register or if you have any further questions, please contact me

6 BIO –– Gesine Daniels

I identify, live and work mainly as a movement practitioner with a very strong base in CI and a focus on somatic movement and improvisation as performance art, bodyworker, dancer/performer, mediator, coach, queer parent, grandparent and family-manager.

My practice of CI started in the mid 80’s in Germany, the US and in Amsterdam.

Working internationally and mostly as a freelancer I’m teaching CI since the end of the 80’s.  My teaching of CI takes place in contexts that span from CI festivals and local workshops and classes to schools, universities and interdisciplinary approaches in the training of social workers, physiotherapists, school teachers and more. People I’ve been working with, come from a wide range of ages, social, educational and local backgrounds. 

Event Timeslots (1)

mit Gesine Daniels