Dance Improvisation

Improvisation/ somatic and sensitive movment/presence/ listening/breathing/ make space inside.

led by Anaïs Poulet

13.12.19, 13h-15h
20.12.19, 13h-15h

Everything is there. Have a look. In/out! Es ist Klar! Just movment and memory, vertical thoughts who swim into the present. Falling in your skin, wake up in the sky. I walk and feel my feet. It ‘s enought for the moment. Ich bin da. Contact 360°. Du bist hier. Take your time my friend. Directional focus and multiple perceptions. Yes! I go there! Jouer le feu. No thank you. Who is here today? Listening the water. Die Bewegung schreibt die Raumzeit. Welcome!

Free donation

Workshop in English

Anaïs Poulet,   /  0151-55781965