Hilla focus lies on where dance and performance meet. She started her dance training 1978 in Nürnberg. 1981 she got strongly influenced by the work of Deborah Hay in Austin, USA. 1986 she started to work on performances and developed her own teaching method for free dance.
Since 1986 she is continuously teaching people from all age groups.
1989 she settled down as free-lance artist in Berlin.
In K77 Studio she offers classes for FREE DANCE for children and DANCE CHOREOGRAPHY PERFORMANCE for children.
She also teaches workshops for adults on a regular basis.
Hilla puts on art projects on the Teufelsberg in Berlin; WuKaMenta, Dresden; Tabačka, Košice, Slowakei, Gallery Commune1, Cape Town / Südafrika; Platoon Kunsthalle in Berlin; TNS Foundation in Gdansk / Polen; MPA Berlin; 53. Biennale Venedig; Galerie Wildwechsel in Frankfurt and many more.
“To make things grow is dearest to my heart. This holds true for art as much as for life. The one is inseparably linked to the other.”