Date: December 3 and December 17
Time: 10:00-12:00
Name: Hatha-Ashtanga Yoga – an extended well-rounded practice true to the source
This class will includes multiple limbs from Patanjali’s eight-limbed yoga system (Ashtanga Yoga): Yama (Yoga Ethical Living), Niyama (Yoga Observances), Asana (Yoga Postures), Pranayama (Yoga Breathing), Dharana (One-Pointed meditation), Dhyana (Mindfulness Meditation), and maybe even a spontaneous Samadhi (Highest State of Yoga).
It is suitable for anyone who is interested in exploring yoga beyond the conventional posture and movement (Asana) and is curious to discover the full potential of yoga as a life transforming path using breath, awareness, attitude and intention to cultivate peace, wellbeing and ultimately a significant reduction of unnecessary suffering.
The class will not be more physically demanding than any other yoga class, however it will include forms of yoga practice that are not generally done in conventional and shorter settings. There is no need to be able to perform complicated postures, no need to be flexible or strong. All that is required is the willingness to practice yoga for 2 hours with an open mind and heart.
Open to ALL LEVELS and in English!
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