Dance as a healing art

Workshop mit Yun Ju Chen

Samstag, 21. December 2019, 10:30-12:00h
Samstag, 11.January 2020, 15:30-17h
Samstag, 25.January 2020, 16-17:30h

„As we tap into the deep sources of bodily wisdom through creative art expression,we dance the renewal, recreation, and healing of ourselves and our world.“ ~ Anna Halprin

Dance as a healing art is an approach between Dance movement therapy and all kinds of somatic practice.

Each session will have different topic to work on. Through the process give a chance to get to know each other and yourself in a

deeper and different way. We allow all kinds of emotions, Provide you a safe place express your emotions through your body.

This is an open workshop for everyone. You don’t need a previous experience with dance.

Let’s move and free your body and mind !

Donation based, ( 8-15 Euros, suggested)

Language: English

Any questions? Please register via email, if you would like to join the class.